Daun Barley in noodle

for the ones who wants to be healthy

New tablet from Google

Now you will feel another breakthrough from google with new tablet

Awesome Cat !

an extraordinary cat is here , go check it out !

Galaxy Skin is here !

See for its new feature and its published date

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Hi all,

Salam Baboon,  Ughhh..Ughhh

Well, Akhirnya setelah berexperimen dengan menggunakan bahas Inggris dalam blog ini pengunjung lumayan bertambah dalam beberapa hari ini (ya... cuma 1-2 views perhari --"). Tapi itu ga masalah sama sekali buat gw. Karena menulis adalah sesuattu yang sangat gw suka saat kecil dan ketika menulis gw rasanya menemukan sebuah passion. Yap semoga hal ini adalah Passion gw untuk mengembangkan blog ini dan menjadikannya besar, mungkin bisa kayak Kaskus? Yeah maybe


The Climax of smartphone Technology??

Hi all, it's me again, baboon. I got bored of the development of technology nowadays. Why you ask, because I see that the development isn't developed well. In this writing i focused on smartphone. Since Apple produce the first smartphone with iPhone, the development seemed went so fast. I was still using Sony Ericsson with Java at that time there was a few people using the Apple with its iOS. the 2009-2010 Most of my  colleague change their phone to Blackberry. When the changing is happening I still used my Sony Ericsson.

Sony Ericsson in 2009 is one of the average-used phone and Blackberry is the Sophisticated phone. Blackberry continued to expand its market at that time. Using the popularity of BBM ( Blackberry Messenger) most of my friend change their phone to Blackberry. I still used my phone and not changing to Blackberry. time went fast Blackberry still the handheld with a high price. as time goes my Phone was dying. You know what dying means? yes, the phone is not functioning as it has to be.  It was hard to make a call, The case of the phone was broken and so on and so on. 2011, 80% of my colleague was using Blackberry at that time also I didn't have a money to change my phone.

In 2011, Android was expanding. However, Android itself had no same popularity with iOS and Blackberry. I need to change the phone at that time and got no money to buy iOS and Blackberry handheld. Then I gambled by buying the Android device with the lowest specification. Yeah, at that time android is the most possible phone that I could buy. Maybe at that time I am the first student who was using WhatsApp. Proud? Yes! because android was going to be a new Legend in smartphone competition.

In smartphone competition, Features is the most valuable things. Every smartphone has its features to attract the user. Blackberry had succeed with its Blackberry Messenger. The features stay until now. It also has million of users. iOS, with its premium feels-phone has so many features. One of them is iTunes, lot of Apps, and so on. Android with its versatility can be used by any manufacturers.

The features are developed by the time goes by. From 2009-2013 iOS is developing well by adding its premium feels like Maps for iOS, Peronal Assistance SIRI, Fingerprint scanner, and another additional in its hardware. Various of Android smartphone has developed too. I cannot mentioned it one by one, the most noticed are the copy of iOS. For example Google Now similar with SIRI. Not all the iOS features are copied by Android devices, IOS did too in Notification center.

The war between smartphones now, in my opinion has reach its climax. Blackberry has taken down by the war between iOS vs Android features. Nokia is trying its luck by Producing Lumia with Windows Phone. There are no new features unless the fingerprint scan by iOS. Smartwatch, has no significant innovation, Charging in every 6 hours just for your watch? No thanks.

Maybe we just need to wait hardware  vendor to make 8 cores phone or 10 cores phone to see new series of smartphone. My handheld right now is Xperia L and its age is just 1 year used. Although the features is not modern enough but the performance is similar with 4-cores phone with some modification. You don't know what will happen on the future. It is possible that smart[phone will be developed again, but not in this year. 2014 smartphone has reach its climax. In my conclusion.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

With Andrew Darwis, Owner of Kaskus

It was 1 P.M, I have got nothing to do since my work has done. I never thought that what would happen next would make the day changed. Yeah now I am working for a company that focus on logistics. In this company there has nothing to do with my development in career.  When I first saw the company and the colleague I would work with my heart said that I am not belong here. Yeah at that time  my mind is just like roller coaster. Maybe, that is enough describing my condition before we continued on how I selfie with Andrew Darwis. 

My Girlfriend texted me, " Di, Do you want to come to Kaskus event?". I replied Immediately, "yeah, when?, If I get the Invitation I won't hesitate to come". "At 5-6 P.M in the afternoon." she replied again. "Okay I will come" without any further thinking I accept the invitation. Of course I wasn't thinking about when would I got home, since my mom would be super worried. For your info the distance of Jakarta and my house is quite far. It is about 30 km. If there were no traffic it take 20 minutes. However It was always took 2 hrs long between my house and Jakarta by train and  by any transportation. HOfft You could see  what I see? Well, At last I came to the event with my girlfriend.

I had to move from Pancoran to Semanggi by Busway. Yes, because my girlfriend wait me there and took a cab to go to Senayan City. My friend who worked for media suddenly asked for meet up. I said to her that she just had to come to Senayan City My girlfriend and I wait here. I wasn't thinking that the meet up would be happen. Hell yeah , my prediction was wrong the meet up was happen and that made me happier. 

the first thing I did was looking for food. You know what?? the food is f**** delicious and hell yeah one plate isn't enough for me.  My girlfriend just gave in the first round. Then, My colleagues came and having a nice chat. What happen next Tulus showed up. Hell yes, TULUS!! I was the happiest man in the world. then I braced myself and asked Mimin for selfie.

and TULUS!

my colleague

Thanks guys for reading and have a nice day




Thursday, February 13, 2014

After long hiatus

HI guys it’s been a while huh? Wait it has been a year not wrote something in this blog. I am sorry for that, actually I still confused what to write and become my main topic in this blog. At first I wanted to wrote the weird things on the world but it is hard to find it (maybe it could be easier but you know I am quite lazy)…skip….second I want to write things about some games which has been my hobby from 6 year old (too young to start?  Never mind)…skip…finally I have an idea to write about football in specific way, I want to write things the other side of football but too mainstream --_--. Anyway guys you have to wait for my next post it will blow your mind ( I hope..) as an act of my return to the internet world HAHAHAHAHA

Salam Baboon

Ughh Ughh

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