Daun Barley in noodle

for the ones who wants to be healthy

New tablet from Google

Now you will feel another breakthrough from google with new tablet

Awesome Cat !

an extraordinary cat is here , go check it out !

Galaxy Skin is here !

See for its new feature and its published date

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bad Performance by Nexus tablet from Google (part 1)

Actually we expect that the brand new tablet from Google can compete with another PC tablet with extreme differences. However, you will be dissapointed with the news i got from detik.com. yeah the news shows about the unexpected things from the brand new tablet from Google.

here's the terrible thing's:

1. The Screen 
    Based on some android developer forum Nexus's screen is not made classy  which means the screen is too standard. so, don't expect the screen resolution will be same as iPad or some others tablet, using AMOLED or something.
2. Charging Problem
    Some problems found in charging. it is same as china's imitation PC tablet product. sometimes the charger won't charge the battery. 

3. Bad Calibration
    Nowadays it seems like gadget like nexus will have well performed touch screen. However, it can't be found in Nexus 7 because of bad Calibration.

to be continued...

Monday, April 9, 2012

New tablet from Google :)

PC Tablet has been the most favorite stuff in the world. as we seen on any news, it shows how amazing the effect of PC tablet to the people. it affect to the people's lifestyle and the brand competition to the company which produce the stuffs. for example Samsung and Apple.

Right now the mother of Android, Google,  won't let themselves being the audience seeing the competition. After succeed with Samsung galaxy nexus with its brand new OS, Google create the brand new tablet with brand new OS, Ice cream Sandwich. it is called Google Tablet.

Different with phones, to create this tablet Google cooperate with ASUS. ASUS itself have succeed creating many of high quality Notebook and Laptop. in developing PC tablet ASUS has succeed creating ASUS Pad transformers. So that, it is no doubt that Google chose ASUS to cooperate in this stuff.

From many sources, here are the specification of Samsung tablet:

- 7" layer (1280x800)
- Brand new Android OS, Ice Cream Sandwich
 Nexus tablet will carry Nvidia's Tegra 3 chipset
- AMOLED display 

that's a bunch of information i can get about brand new Google tablet.

FYI, the production of this tablet is not only to compete with Apple's iPad but also Amazon tablet. because the price of this tablet is not more than 200$. Wow fantastic, you can get this amazing tablet with just 200$ or less.

It was started to be published in May, but because of several things it is delayed til July. From my opinion it is because the Apple has produce new iPad. in other words Google don't want to face-to-face with Apple :D

That's all the thing i want to inform you and here are the pictures of the tablet. see u in the next post :D

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Weird thing on facebook :D

Weird thing about weird cats :p

some scientist just found a unique cats via photo-traps in the Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve. wow it is just unusual cats because it says that it just lived in Russia. Here the Pictures

 wow it is so unusual right?? it is not Persian, nor Anggora, its Manuls. This cat is in the list that is almost gone in the world. although it looks funny it still wild  so be careful don't treat it like an usual animal, or you will be attacked.. :D

some scientist said that maybe it is relevant to the Persian cat. hmmm who knows?? but it looks similar right??  :D

Maybe that is all from me i promise to keep update eoth some unique news or  just random thoughts :D

slam Baboon uggh...ugh... 


Monday, April 2, 2012

The amazing galaxy Skin

This time i am amazed to the pre-brand new Smartphone produced by Samsung. Yes, you may guess, that the phone is Samsung galaxy Skin. Here the pictures.

Amazing, right ?? i know you will have the same impression with me. Based on the source the most Spectacular thing from the phone is just in the flexibility. Imagine that you can flip it the way you want, round it like wearing a watch, and the other impossible things. These some features that i quote from the websites

The revolutionary feature of the futuristic gadget is that it is flexible and can take on a variety of shapes. The displays are bendable, tough enough to withstand blows from a hammer, and can be rolled up. This one-of-a-kind device and is poised to create a new description for smartphones.  Previously, Samsung verified the manufacture of flexible AMOLED displays that might debut between the months of April and June 2012.
 Instead of glass, the AMOLED flexible display of the gadget is said to be made out of plastic polyimide substrate. Earlier tests have also revealed that plastic polyimide will tolerate the bending of the flexible displays around a tube with a diameter of 1-inch. The flexible display receives electrical signals that result in physical deformation which is really the core technology of the active electrical polymer.
The biggest additional benefit for these types of displays is that they utilize the AMOLED technology which will come with good screen brightness and low energy consumption. Samsung has joined forces with Ube Kosan, a Japanese company that probably will be largely contributing to the production of the flexible displays.
As currently known, the specifications of the Galaxy Skin indicate that the device is equipped with a WVGA SUPER AMOLED flexible display that is 4-inch in size. The gadget also features a VGA Telephony Camera which will be outfitted with stop motion, Panorama shot, action shot, sport auto focus and self shot.  The device also features an 8 MP rear.
The operating system of the device is still not known for sure.  While a number of individuals say that it will feature the next-generation Jelly Bean from Google, others believe that the gadget will run a new type of operating system called Android Flexy.
Some of its other features include Exchange ActiveSync, Email, MMS, SMS, Video messaging, Android Market, augmented realty with Layar Realty Browser and integrated messaging “Social Hub.” A 1 GB RAM 1.2 GHz processor. The gadget is likely to come in both 16 and 32GB. Other features include Bluetooth version 3.0 connectivity, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n and high speed USB version 2.0.

that is all some features that will be applied to this smartphone. I am little disappointed because there are no changes in hardware and several functions. But, it doesn't matter because maybe this is one of the extraordinary phones that will be a trends in the future.

this is several pictures :)

slam Baboon ugh...ugh.. :D


Friday, March 16, 2012

Daun Barley, berawal dari sebuah keingintahuan

well, kali ini gw akan berbahasa Indonesia sampai menemukan jati diri blog gw ini bakal apa jadinya ke depan. gw aga sedikit bingung menulis apa di postingan kali ini tapi gw menemukan sebuah mie yang sedikit unik. 

yup mie ini uang buat gw penasaran tentang apa sih barley leaf ituh?? 

baiklah yang di bawah ini adalah penjelasan dari beberapa sumber 


Merupakan salah satu dari tujuh sereal gandum yang dipakai untuk membuat bir. Dari sudut pandang esoteris, jelai atau barley dianggap bergizi ringan yang mampu merangsang jantung dan dapat digunakan untuk meringankan ketegangan emosional seseorang.

Barley adalah jenis sereal yang dapat tumbuh mencapai ketinggian sekitar 0,7 sampai 1,2 meter. Buah tanaman ini berbentuk seperti telinga.
Ada beberapa jenis jelai atau barley, tergantung pada jumlah butiran di dalam buahnya yaitu gandum musim panas dan gandum musim dingin. 

Barley musim dingin biasa digunakan untuk memberi makan hewan ternak karena kualitas inferior dari butiran nya. Barley berkembang dengan baik terutama di dataran rendah, daerah lembab.

Ketika batang barley tumbuh mencapai ketinggian kurang lebih 20 - 30 cm, barley sudah mengandung nutrisi sumber daya yang paling penting bagi tubuh manusia. 
Daun barley mengandung vitamin B (B1, B2, B6, dan B12), vitamin E dan C, sejumlah besar zat besi, kalsium, mangan, magnesium, molibdenum, germanium, seng, tembaga, lithium, bioflavonoid, polisakarida, dan polipeptida.

Batang hijau barley, selain mengandung vitamin, mineral dan enzim, juga mengandung hormon alami dan klorofil. Zat-zat gizi antioksidan , anti-inflamasi, anti-kanker dan sifat antivirus.


Barley hijau mengandung unsur-unsur yang paling berharga yang diperlukan untuk tubuh manusia dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai produk dengan efek terapi yang sangat baik.

Tumbuhan Barley juga diindikasikan untuk menghilangkan racun dalam tubuh, termasuk darah, untuk stimulasi kekebalan tubuh manusia, cicatrisation dan regenerasi. Barley dapat membantu mengatur tekanan darah pada arteri, mengurangi kelebihan berat badan, hidrat yang teguments dan mampu meningkatkan kejantanan.
Diet ini dianjurkan akan diadakan untuk jangka waktu minimal 2 minggu. Untuk penyakit kronis dianjurkan selama sebulan.

Dalam kasus demam tinggi, ekstrak gandum membantu mengurangi demam pasien. Barley hijau mengandung enzim proteic aktif, yang memiliki efek kuat dalam menyembuhkan penyakit, revitalisasi tubuh dan memperlambat proses penuaan. Enzim ini bercampur dalam penonaktifan radikal bebas.

Barley juga membantu meningkatkan memori ingatan, membawa kejelasan dalam berpikir. Selain itu, mampu menyebuhkan sakit perut, menyembuhkan bisul, dan mengurangi nyeri rematik dan radang. Dalam obesitas juga dapat membantu menghilangkan kelebihan berat badan.

Barley hijau memiliki efek anti-inflamasi, revitalisasi tegument dan menyembuhkan itu kekeringan tersebut. Tanaman menunjukkan hasil nyata dalam memerangi kolagen dan leukemia, juga menetralkan efek racun dari tembakau.

Penyakit lainnya di mana pengobatan dengan gandum digunakan seperti anoreksia, anemia, stomatitis, pankreatitis, miocardic, asma bronchic, artritis, dan epilepsi. Barleydapat merangsang drainase dan regenerasi hati, mengaktifkan sistem kekebalan tubuh membantu dalam melawan virus hati.


Jus barley dapat diperoleh dari pencampuran beberapa batang hijau dengan air dan dihaluskan. Semua dicampur sampai diperoleh cairan seperti pasta, kemudian disaring dengan saringan atau dengan kain kasa. Jus harus dikonsumsi hanya beberapa saat setelah jus siap dihidangkan.

Bubuk barley hijau diperoleh melalui proses dehidrasi dari jus barley hijau segar, pada suhu yang kecil, sehingga memungkinkan enzim untuk tetap aktif.

Kecambah barley hijau dihancurkan,kemudian dicampur dengan madu dan buah, jus ini memiliki sifat yang luar biasa menyegarkan. Barley juga dapat dikonsumsi dalam bentuk salad, dihancurkan menjadi potongan-potongan kecil dan dikombinasikan dengan elemen mentah lain atau dengan madu.
segtu dulu penjelasannya kalo lagi ga males gw akan update lagi hhe :D

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kind of my writing :) about El Classico

What is the biggest football match on earth??? There will be so many different answers about it. Most of the football fan will answer El Clasico. So that, what is El Clasico exactly?? El clasico is a title match for 2  best team in  spain league. They are FC Barcelona versus Real Madrid. Maybe most of Indonesian football lover will not answer this match for their favorite match. There are several reasons why you have to watch this football match? Especially for football match lover.
There are so many football star players in both of the team. For example, Cistiano Ronaldo, lionel Messi, Thierry Henry, Ricardo Kaka, and the others. So that, you have to watch this football match. The battle between world class football player will be the most interesting football match. Besides that, the manger strategy will be interesting to watch too. Pep Guardiola as a manager of FC Barcelona with Total Football strategy, and Manuel Pellegrini as a manger of Real Madrid with unpredictable strategy.
Therefore, the reason why this match will be interesting is the tradition of both of them. El Clasico has been held for a hundredth years. And in every match there will be a wonderful match, high tension, and must be the most entertaining match.
Finally, you have to watch this match in every season. You will not regret for watching it. This is the best football match in every season of football.What is the biggest football match on earth??? There will be so many different answers about it. Most of the football fan will answer El Clasico. So that, what is El Clasico exactly?? El clasico is a title match for 2  best team in  spain league. They are FC Barcelona versus Real Madrid. Maybe most of Indonesian football lover will not answer this match for their favorite match. There are several reasons why you have to watch this football match? Especially for football match lover.
There are so many football star players in both of the team. For example, Cistiano Ronaldo, lionel Messi, Thierry Henry, Ricardo Kaka, and the others. So that, you have to watch this football match. The battle between world class football player will be the most interesting football match. Besides that, the manger strategy will be interesting to watch too. Pep Guardiola as a manager of FC Barcelona with Total Football strategy, and Manuel Pellegrini as a manger of Real Madrid with unpredictable strategy.
Therefore, the reason why this match will be interesting is the tradition of both of them. El Clasico has been held for a hundredth years. And in every match there will be a wonderful match, high tension, and must be the most entertaining match.
Finally, you have to watch this match in every season. You will not regret for watching it. This is the best football match in every season of football. 

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