Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Weird thing about weird cats :p

some scientist just found a unique cats via photo-traps in the Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve. wow it is just unusual cats because it says that it just lived in Russia. Here the Pictures

 wow it is so unusual right?? it is not Persian, nor Anggora, its Manuls. This cat is in the list that is almost gone in the world. although it looks funny it still wild  so be careful don't treat it like an usual animal, or you will be attacked.. :D

some scientist said that maybe it is relevant to the Persian cat. hmmm who knows?? but it looks similar right??  :D

Maybe that is all from me i promise to keep update eoth some unique news or  just random thoughts :D

slam Baboon uggh...ugh... 



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